HABOOK Information Technology Inc. Apps

HiLearning for Android
HiLearning is based on the TEAM model thatprovides complete services for teaching and learning process. TheTEAM model is a brand new instructional technology service,including four sub-systems: e-Teaching, e-assEssing, e-diAgnosingand e-reMediation.Student-tablet is a major learning tool in the 21st century 1:1educational computing environment. HiLearning increases theinteraction between teachers and students, and also enhancesstudents’ learning. In other words, it will act as a learningcompanion.Attention: HiLearning for iPad is a student side app in HiTeachsmarter classroom solution. It should work with teacher's computerinstalled HiTeach Pro software under proper WiFi setting digitalclassroom.Main Functions:- Note in Page, supports various contents including sketch, text,photos, shapes etc- Submit note pages to teacher- Receive IWB pages from teacher- Response to multiple choice question/survey- Send messages to teacher
AClassONE 智慧學伴 1.0.15110701
AClassONE智慧學伴App是一個連結IES雲端補救學習平台,並串連課前預習、課中學習以及課後補救每個環節的一個利器。智慧型行動裝置的普及,大數據技術的成熟發展,推升了智慧型教與學應用之App發展價值,透過AClassONE智慧學伴App,學生可以緊密地連結了TEAMModel智慧教室課堂端的教學輔具,以及IES雲端補救學習平台的各項資源,形成在線上(Online)和線下(Offline)的一個O2O(Online To Offline) 整合運用學習模式。app服務願景:One Student, One World 成就每一個孩子app服務理念:課堂一對多,在家一對一,精熟學習,百年智慧,十全十美,無限可能1.智慧書僮,即時提示2.翻轉學習,一手掌握3.重點難點,一網打盡4.雲端題庫,隨選練習5.評量診斷,知強補弱6.上課遺漏,下課補救7.紙筆測驗,數位報告8.錯題分析,及時鞏固9.優秀解題,見賢思齊10.電子履歷,快樂成長功能介紹:動態通知所有上傳與發佈的活動與學習相關內容都會自動推送到AClassONE的頁面中,包含各類評量活動紀錄、電子筆記與相關附件的上傳、課程錄影與指定影片的上傳、診斷分析報告的生成以及老師主動發送的訊息等,行動裝置亦會在收到推送訊息的同時發出通知,讓學生即時獲知。透過這些推送的通知,學生可以隨時隨地主動瀏覽與檢視相關資訊,有需要時進一步採取補救措施。電子筆記在TEAMModel智慧教室中,所有老師上課內容的筆記,都會保留在IES雲端補救學習平台,並推送到學生的行動裝置上,讓學生上課沒注意到的重點都能確實掌握不遺漏。學習影片除了老師自行準備發佈的影片外,結合ezStation智慧型錄製系統的課堂影片,同樣可以透過AClassONE進行觀看,同時會呈現學生自己在課堂上所標註的重點/難點資訊,直接跳轉到影片特定的時間點,做重點性複習,讓相同的影片段落展現出個別化的差異。評量紀錄各種不同類型的評量紀錄,包含智慧教室互動評量、線上測驗、網路閱卷評量等,都可以透過AClassONE進行檢討與補救。評量紀錄除了基本評量資訊的呈現外,還有逐題作答明細、電子筆記、課堂影片、閱卷附件與答案卡以及診斷分析報告,都會同時列出,另會整理該評量的答錯題目資訊供進一步的檢討與補救學習。
HiLearning Mobile
HiLearning Mobile provide IRS , Send Messages, Photo sending, WorkComparison.
HiTA 3
In the TEAM Model Smart Teaching System environment, HiTA3 SmartAssistant App provides teachers with the ability to shoot classroomactivities at any time in the patrol hall or pick up teachingmaterials and photos back to the whiteboard in the TEAM Model smartteaching system environment to instantly share content and make iteasier to group work simultaneously. Presented and compared formultiple files. In addition, teachers can use the HiTA3 as an IRSteacher's remote control. HiTA can be used to perform IRS instantfeedback system picking, flopping, instant rights, and otherfunctions. HiTA3 is just as convenient as a teacher's smartassistant. In the era of cloud data management, HiTA3 can accessthe IES cloud learning platform, and HiTeach 3 can simultaneouslylogin the course and establish classroom activities. The mainfunction: Support TEAM Model ID Integrate smart teaching services,connect classroom-side HiTeach teaching system and IES cloudlearning platform: 1. QRCode scan and IP input, connect HiTeach,replace IRS teacher remote control with smart phone, teachers canoperate HiTeach interactive teaching system without going to thewhiteboard 2. Immediately shoot works, instant sharing, instantinteractive feedback 3. Instantly view related courses, students,etc. on the IES cloud learning platform, and send and receivee-papers 4. You can use the IES Cloud Learning Platform course toconnect HiTeach for interactive classroom activities
AClass ONE Mobile
App which blends teaching and learning in students daily lives.
智慧助教 HiTA 1.0.16101801
HiTA in HiTeach Pro 2 and HiTeach TBL environment under 2, can walkin the classroom remote HiTeach, shooting of student work, sharephotos on the whiteboard
HiTA 5 5.2.27
HiTA5 can control HiTeach and connect to the IES cloud learningplatform.